Cara de Nance

Pared en la tienda Do Design con obra expuesta de Saveria Casaus
Ilustración enmarcada parte de la exposición Cara de Nance en Do Design por Saveria Casaus
Detalle de ilustración. Exposicion Cara de Nance en Do Design
Detalle de los bocetos de la exposición en Do Design.
Bocetos enmarcado del proceso creativo de la exposición Cara de Nance en Do Design por Saveria Casaus
Detalle de ilustración. Exposicion Cara de Nance en Do Design
Detalle de ilustración. Exposicion Cara de Nance en Do Design
Detalle de cuaderno. Exposicion Cara de Nance en Do Design
Detalle de cuaderno. Exposicion Cara de Nance en Do Design

Cara de Nance was a compilation of personal memories that unite illustration, literature and the experiences of more than ten enterprising women, sharing a common denominator: Do Design Madrid. The fruit of this work was an exhibition, catalogues and stationery that revolved around women, home, thread and sewing, Mother Nature and the celebration of femininity. The work consisted of seventeen texts provided by the women afford mentioned, who served as the basis for creating the four illustrative lines of work. In the catalogue you can find authors such as Federico García-Lorca, Boris Vian, Satsuki Shubiya, Le Corbusier and Victor Ramil, among others. My goal was to translate memories, that I share with each of these women, into an image that was recognizable to them for one reason or another. The following text summarizes the line of thought that encases the exhibition.

“Memory is a continuing act of creation that happens only in our minds. Curiously, these memories are not noted while they happen and it is only as we look back that they become something of great importance, but lack consistency. They are abstract, intangible.

Something that lacks consistency, like a memory, can be tormenting without even being present in the tangible world, in the world of matter. But we humans have found a way to give these moments captured in our mind, a weight, an existence through objects. Photographs, a leaf, a piece of old jewelry. Dozens of tin cans that once opened might reveal a piece of us, estranged through time. These objects are our way to relate to our past selves and look forward to our ever-evolving soul.»




Date & Time

enero 11, 2017